
Where did you meet?
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Author:  JJW009 [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 3:42 am ]
Post subject:  Where did you meet?

Where did you meet your current or most recent partner?

When I was in education, meeting girls was not a problem. I was kinda surrounded by them. At uni, I was surrounded by more intelligent interesting girls than I've met in the 20 years since I left. Unfortunately, none of them married me. I still think about the ones I was closest to.

After uni, I had a huge gap until they invented the Internet. My next girlfriend was someone from a different country I met on a file-sharing network because we had the same taste in anime. We were together for about 5 years. I clocked up plenty of air-miles, but it didn't work out.

It took a while to get over her, but then I found a seemingly perfect girl on a free Internet dating site. We very nearly got married - as in, we booked a venue and I bought her a gorgeous red wedding dress and a white gold ring. We broke up just 5 months before the set date; which I guess was better than 5 months after... We're still on friendly terms, but needless to say she has a new bloke now and we've not spoken for months.

I personally feel very uncomfortable about dating people I meet through work. They're either clients or colleagues, and it could become very difficult or inappropriate.

At pubs and clubs, I very rarely meet anyone of interest. They're either jail bait or idiots - except the really nice ones who are without exception all married.

My friends have introduced me to a couple of single girls, but frankly they were all annoying. It seems likely they thought the same of me.

So basically, for me the Interwebs has had the highest success rate. How about you? Please vote - note I had to inappropriately meld several choices because of the really annoying arbitrary limit of 10 options, so please elaborate.

Author:  trigen_killer [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

I met my wife while in school. I was in the lower sixth form and she was in the upper sixth form. We have been together for over 22 years.

Author:  HeatherKay [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Best Beloved and I have been together over 20 years now.

We met at a hobby related thing, and just sort of fell into being together despite a quarter century age difference (I'm the younger of us). I think we're quite well matched, despite our occasional hissy fits and tantrums.

I doubt I could have done better.

Author:  AlunD [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

We were both working in a hotel. This cute waitress caught my eye and apparently she quite liked what she saw as well. :D

25 years later and still together :D

Author:  forquare1 [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

I met the purple one on my first day of uni, she was the third house mate I saw in my new accommodation. We chatted a lot because we both drank so much tea we were both around the kettle so much...That year was full of other blokes who weren't right for her, and she would often talk to me about her past which wasn't as light and happy as one would hope for a teenager, and she would talk about guys she liked, oblivious to my crush on her.

In the second year we lived together, cooked together, sometimes shopping together, etc. After a few weeks of flirting (and I had no idea I was doing it :?) she asked me what was wrong one night while having wine, she had to pick it out of me, she seemed to take the news better than I thought...I hadn't wanted to say anything for fear of screwing up a good thing. A year and a half later and we're going strong, even with the few hundred miles currently between us.

I hate to think of the future in a negative way, I guess the worst could happen. We talk a lot about the future, and it's usually me who starts it. I can't wait to settle down and have kids, the number of times we've found ourselves talking about children's names and where we would take them on holiday....
Fingers crossed it lasts.

Author:  l3v1ck [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 8:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?


Author:  fakesnake [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Best mates sister, been together 36 years now.

Author:  Linux_User [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Lived together in the first year of Uni, hopefully going to live together after uni. too. :)

Author:  veato [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

I was in my last year at Uni and a first year lived next door to me. She had a cute blonde 18 year old friend over one day who just walked into my room randomly to say hi. After she left I didn't think i'd see her again (let alone that she'd want to go out with me) and 6 years later we're engagaed and expecting our first child!

Author:  ProfessorF [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Last girlfriend I had was back sometime 2001/2002 I guess.
We met through work. The tv ad industry was dead while everyone figured out what was going to happen economically after the September 11th attacks, so I was working in a bar on Drury Lane.
She was a smoking hot Dutch girl that was studying drama locally, and we ended up working shifts together.
Apparently, we were both complaining to the boss about how much we liked each other, so shift patterns were rearranged.
Soon discovered we had lots in common, not just bar work and acting/tv stuff outside of that.
Anyway, after a drunken night off playing pool, and me plucking up some courage (of the Dutch kind, ironically enough) I asked her if we were something more formal than just 'friends'.
She gave me a big long talk about how she wasn't going to be in London forever, and that she didn't want to hurt me by being with me and then leaving.
Tish, nay and whimsy, said I, and in the words of Marvin Gaye, let's get it on.

Anyway, you can guess what happened. She was right. I do still miss her.

Author:  brataccas [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 10:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Ive only had 1gf, I posted all about it on cpcff but prob too embaressed/awkward to say much info about it etc :oops: To put it short, We met on a military gaming forum, added on msn, got on like fire, became proper couples, and she flew back and fore to Switzerland to Scotland to meet up with me, needless to say it didn't work out :roll: and it destroyed me for 1 and a half years and obtained manic depression from it :P which has been cured quite some time ago, She was German, not Swiss FYI

dont ever get in long distance relationships :mrgreen: thats what I learned but me and her these days are solid close friends which is good ;)

Author:  ardubbleyu [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 11:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Blind date - been together 30 years!

Author:  big_D [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Through a friend, over the internet.

I had a friend in North Germany, whilst I was still in the south. A woman from the next town found him on Skype (he had a birthday in October, just after hers) and wished him happy birthday. They spoke for a while and she said that she had never met an Englishman. My mate said no problem... The rest is history :)

Author:  finlay666 [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 12:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Students union :)

Author:  okenobi [ Sun Jun 07, 2009 1:10 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Where did you meet?

Still looking.........

My first real girlfriend was through a group of friends that shaped my teenage years. She ended it when shortly after starting uni.

Second girlfriend was a friend of a customer that I refunded charges for when I worked at the bank (back when they trusted employees to make judgements). All she wanted was sex and despite being early twenties I wanted more, so I ended that.

The only woman I've ever truly been in love with is a very, very long story. Suffice it to say that we met by chance, then ended up working together for a short while. She's an amazing woman and I still miss her sometimes. Fundamentally though, I learnt a lot about myself (and what I want) during that period of my life and consequently, I now don't really entertain anything, unless it's gonna blow me away. Could be a while..... :roll:

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