
Pre built gaming machines.
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Author:  Fogmeister [ Fri Feb 26, 2016 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

Tbh, I'm not too interested in upgrading etc... Just would like something other than my 5 year old laptop to play games on. I may look at getting an extra ssd at some point though :-)

Thanks :-)

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Author:  Fogmeister [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

How about this one instead? http://m.ebuyer.com/735888

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Author:  davrosG5 [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 11:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

Fogmeister wrote:
How about this one instead? http://m.ebuyer.com/735888

Looks reasonable. Bit more expandable than the other one.
As before I'd maybe consider a larger SSD and I note that they've only populated one of the RAM slots so it's not using the dual-channel capability of mobo/CPU so I'd look to add at least a second 8GB stick of RAM.
Not great if you have any plans for overclocking (B150 chipset and non-K CPU) or want to do anything along the lines of SLI (second x16 PCIe slot limited to x4 max and bandwidth shared with x1 slots as well). Personally I've never been particularly bothered by either and this should be plenty fast enough for several years and you can always drop in a newer graphics card if/when the 970 gets a bit feeble for your needs (which shouldn't be for a while unless you want to go for 4k gaming).

Author:  big_D [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

Agreed, although the SSD is probably OK - Windows, standard applications and a few games will fit on to it, data (especially video and audio, office documents) don't really benefit from SSD, unless you are doing a lot of editing, where an SSD disk would help, but for playback, you are limited to how fast you can watch, which is a fraction of the speed the SSD is capable of.

I suppose it depends on how many / how large the games are.

Very good point about the 2nd memory slot. Why do they do such silly configurations?

I doubt Oli is looking for overclocking or SLi, going by his previous comments.

Author:  Fogmeister [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

Thanks. Didn't know they had only taken up one RAM slot so that's a plus for me. Can add more to it without having to replace the stuff already there. Might look at getting a bigger ssd too thanks.


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Author:  big_D [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:46 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

I just bought a 500GB SSD for 120€ on Amazon (SanDisk) to replace the HD on my Sony laptop.

Only using one memory slot will slow the machine down (dual-channel means it interleaves memory fetches and writes, meaning it can do more, because it doesn't have to wait so long for refreshes). It can be up to 30% difference, although in many real-world situations, it will be under 10%.

The memory should also be matched, so it would make more sense to get the 2nd stick when purchasing, to ensure that it is compatible.

Author:  davrosG5 [ Mon Mar 07, 2016 2:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

My SSD comment was based on my own usage. I'm pretty sure I've either gone over 128 GB (or am pretty close to it) on my C drive and I wouldn't say I have that much stuff on there - Windows, Steam (with a whole 9 games in my library, most of which are variants of Civilization 4 and 5), StarCraft 2 (which is rather large), Office 365, Adobe CC photography bundle (so Photoshop and Lightroom) and antivirus software. All my user files are on a hdd.

Software is definitely getting a bit porky - now they assume everyone has a decent broadband connection there doesn't seem to be quite the same pressure to keep things into the limits of a single DVD so installs will happily exceed 5GB in size.

Author:  hifidelity2 [ Wed Mar 09, 2016 8:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Pre built gaming machines.

davrosG5 wrote:
My SSD comment was based on my own usage. I'm pretty sure I've either gone over 128 GB (or am pretty close to it) on my C drive and I wouldn't say I have that much stuff on there - Windows, Steam (with a whole 9 games in my library, most of which are variants of Civilization 4 and 5), StarCraft 2 (which is rather large), Office 365, Adobe CC photography bundle (so Photoshop and Lightroom) and antivirus software. All my user files are on a hdd.

Software is definitely getting a bit porky - now they assume everyone has a decent broadband connection there doesn't seem to be quite the same pressure to keep things into the limits of a single DVD so installs will happily exceed 5GB in size.

I had the same issue. I had a 120GB SSD and a 2TB HDD on my main PC. Despite just having Win 10 and Office on the SSD it was getting full(ish). I had set up a Partition on the HHD for programmes and where possible always installed them there but I guess they still write some info / data to the C drive

I upgraded to a 240GB drive earlier in the year and now dont have to micro manage it

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